Cognition and Cognitive Neuroscience

About the Program

Cognition and cognitive neuroscience provides research and graduate training that is designed to prepare students for research positions as professors in university settings and as scientists in government laboratories, private research laboratories, and public sector organizations. The program's priority is on active research participation all through graduate school. To this end, the curriculum is flexible and individualized. Beyond meeting minimal departmental requirements, classes and seminars are taken for the purpose of supporting a student's emerging research interests. Students are expected to be continuously involved in independent and collaborative research projects while in our program.

Most students are supported throughout their graduate training by half-time appointments as research and teaching assistants. Financial aid is also available in the form of fellowships, departmental assistantships and minority program fellowships. 

Cognition and cognitive neuroscience area faculty and students conduct innovative research using technology available at the FSU Magnetic Resonance Imaging Facility.

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