Rasheda Haughbrook

Assistant Professor

Recruiting a graduate student for Fall of 2025

Rasheda Haughbrook

Contact Information



Florida State University, 2020

Research Interests

I am interested in the intersection of the environment, genetics, and overall context as they relate to our developmental outcomes, like academic achievement, physical health, and mental health. I am also interested in exploring novel statistical modeling to measure growth, change, and development in academic achievement, and public health outcomes—emphasizing historically understudied populations. I am interested in translative research that improves overall growth and development. I believe understanding the complex relation between education and health edges us closer to improved public health outcomes.

Lab Description

The Context Lab is made up of undergraduate researchers, graduate students and research staff. Together we focus on contextual influences related to academic achievement, mental health, and physical health outcomes. We conduct lab-based research, field studies, and we love secondary data analyses. We work with populations across the developmental lifespan, with a major emphasis on child development. Our lab is affiliated with a number of centers at FSU including the Florida Center for Reading Research and The Center for Population Science and Health Equity.

Undergraduate Research

Explore the Directed Individual Study (DIS) opportunities below or learn more.