Caterina Gratton

Associate Professor

Recruiting a graduate student for Fall of 2024

Caterina Gratton

Contact Information

Cognition and Cog Neuro


University of California at Berkeley, 2013

Research Interests

Our research is focused on characterizing how human brain networks are organized and how they contribute to complex, goal-directed behaviors such as attention. We study the neural substrates underlying these processes in the healthy population as well as how they vary across individuals and break down with damage. To answer these questions, we use a broad methodological toolkit including fMRI, cognitive tasks, and TMS, focusing on deep “precision” measures to precisely-phenotype brain and behavior in individual people.

Current Research

We have several ongoing projects in the lab including projects focused on the role of brain networks and hubs in cognitive control (funded by an NSF CAREER grant NSF2048066), trait-like variation in brain networks among young adults (funded by an NIH R01 MH118370), and individual differences across the adult lifespan (funded by an NIA AG13854 pilot grant and MH118370 supplement).

Lab Description

We use fMRI, behavioral, and TMS methods to study human brain networks and their links to complex goal-directed functions. A major current focus of our research is on developing individual-focused methods for mapping brain function and behavior, in an effort increase the precision and reliability of our measurements and examine patterns of individual variation. We ask: how are brain networks organized and how do they vary across time and people? How do brain networks help to coordinate functions for cognitive control? What happens when these processes break down?

Dworetsky, A., Seitzman, B. A., Adeyemo, B., Coalson, R.S., Neta, M., Petersen, S. E., Gratton, C. (2021). Probabilistic mapping of human functional brain networks. Neuroimage, 237, 118164<Previous version available at bioRxiv >

Kraus, B. T.Perez, D. R.Ladwig, Z., Seitzman, B. A., Dworetsky, A., Petersen, S. E., Gratton, C. (2021). Network variants are similar between task and rest states. Neuroimage, 229, 117743<Previous version available at bioRxiv>

Smith, D. M., Porter, A., Perez, D. R., Dworetsky, A., Gratton, C. (2021). Light through the fog: Using precision fMRI to disentangle the neural substrates of cognitive control. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 40, 19-26. <Previous version available at PsyArXiv >

Gratton, C., Kraus, B.T., Greene, D.J., Gordon, E.M., Laumann, T.O., Nelson, S. M., Dosenbach, N.U.F., Petersen, S.E. (2019). Defining individual-specific functional neuroanatomy for precision psychiatry. Biological Psychiatry.

Seitzman, BA*, Gratton, C*, Laumann TO, Gordon EM, Adeyemo B, Dworetsky, A, Kraus, BT, Gilmore AW, Berg JJ, Ortega M, Nguyen, A, Greene DJ, McDermott KB, Nelson SM, Lessov-Schlaggar, CN, Schlaggar BL, Dosenbach NUF, Petersen SE. (2019). Trait-like variants of human functional brain networks. PNAS, 116 (45), 22851-22861. PubMed.  *  = joint first authors

Gratton, C, Laumann, TO, Nielsen, AN, Greene, DJ, Gordon, EM, Gilmore, AW, Nelson, SM, Coalson, RS, Snyder, AZ, Schlaggar, BL, Dosenbach, NUF, Petersen, SE (2018). Functional brain networks are dominated by stable group and individual factors, not cognitive or daily variation, Neuron, 98(2) 439-452. PubMed

Gratton, C, Sun, H, Petersen, SE. (2018). Control networks and hubs. Psychophysiology, 55 (3), e13032. PubMed

Gratton, C, Neta, M, Sun, H, Ploran, EJ, Schlaggar, BL, Wheeler, ME, Petersen, SE, Nelson, SM. (2016) Distinct stages of moment-to-moment processing in the cinguloopercular and frontoparietal networks. Cerebral Cortex, 27 (3), 2403-2417. PubMed

Gratton, C, Lee, T, Nomura, EM, D’Esposito, M. (2013). The effect of theta-burst TMS on cognitive control networks measured with resting state fMRI. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, 7, 124. PMCID: PMC3874542 PubMed

Gratton, C*, Nomura, EM*, Perez, F, D’Esposito, M. (2012). Focal brain lesions to critical locations cause widespread disruption of the modular organization of the brain.  Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 24, 1275-1285. PMCID: PMC3575518   * Joint first authors  PubMed

Undergraduate Research

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Hyejin Lee
Postdoctoral Fellow
Cognition and Cog Neuro, Neuroscience