Amy Polick

Teaching Professor
Associate Dean of Academic Affairs (Panama City)

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Panama City Campus
Applied Behavior Analysis


Ph.D., Auburn University, 2011

Research Interests

Amy Polick's primary interests are within the field of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), which is the application of basic principles of behavior for changing socially important behaviors. In addition, she is interested in teaching and training undergraduate and graduate students about ABA and the clinical utility of behavior-analytic treatment for a wide variety of individuals, including those diagnosed with developmental disabilities and/or emotional/behavioral disorders. Particularly, Polick is most interested in the following: early intervention strategies for individuals diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders; the use of ABA in school settings and within mental health agencies for individuals with and without developmental disabilities; innovative clinical applications of ABA; behavior-analytic approaches to college teaching; effective approaches for problem behavior reduction; innovative strategies for training graduate students in an ABA master’s program; investigating claims and recommendations in behavioral treatment; investigating the use of response effort manipulations; applications of ABA in the workplace.