Brad Schmidt
check Recruiting a graduate student for Fall of 2025

Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin, 1991
Research Interests
Brad Schmidt runs a translational research lab focused on the nature, causes, treatment and prevention of anxiety and associated forms of psychopathology including PTSD, substance use, and suicide. He has directed multiple funded projects through the NIH and DoD examining the etiology, treatment and prevention of these conditions. This includes work on translational micro-interventions designed to target and ameliorate risk factors for psychopathology (e.g., anxiety sensitivity, intolerance of uncertainty, thwarted belongingness/perceived burdensomeness). Moreover, Schmidt is the mentor for a recent K award to Alexandria Meyer that focuses on the development of parenting interventions for anxiety. In sum, his lab has completed numerous clinical trials including large-scale, multi-site longitudinal research protocols focused on treating vulnerable populations.
Current Research
Translational Development of Micro-Interventions Targeting Malleable Risk Mechanisms
Cognitive Risk Mechanisms and Risk Factors for Anxiety
Delineating the Interplay between Anxiety and Co-occurring Substance Use
Anxiety in Neurodegenerative Disorders
Laboratory models for understanding gun violence and suicide
Lab Description
Behavioral, cognitive, and biological causes, correlates, and consequences of anxiety; assessment, treatment and prevention of anxiety pathology; nosology of psychopathological syndromes; gene-behavior models of psychopathology.
*Preston, T.J., Gorday, J. Y., *Carter, B., *Mathes, M., Schmidt, N.B. (In press) A longitudinal investigation of trauma-specific rumination and PTSD symptoms: The moderating role of interpersonal trauma experience. Journal of Psychiatric Research.
O’Bryan, E. M., McLeish, A. C., Norr, A. M., Davies, C. D., Ely, S., Bass, Z., *Capron, D. W., Schmidt, N. B., & Jastrowski Mano, K. E. (In press). A randomized controlled trial evaluating the efficacy of a brief computerized anxiety sensitivity reduction intervention for health anxiety. Journal of Anxiety Disorders.
*Morabito, D.M., *Bedford, C.E., *Woller, S., & Schmidt, N.B. (In press). Vulnerability to COVID-19 related disability: The impact of posttraumatic stress symptoms on psychosocial impairment during the pandemic. Journal of Traumatic Stress.
*Albanese, B.J., sPreston, T.J., *Bedford, C., *Macatee, R.J., & Schmidt, N.B. (In press). Distress Intolerance prospectively predicts intrusive thoughts following an experimental trauma in a non-clinical sample. Cognitive Therapy and Research.
*Raines, A.M., Kosciski, B., *Mathes, B.M., *Portero, A., *Allan, N., & Schmidt, N. B., (In press). Examination of a brief computerized Cognitive Anxiety Sensitivity intervention on obsessive-compulsive symptoms. British Journal of Clinical Psychology.
*Raines, A. M., Primeaux, S. J., Ennis, C. R., Walton, J. L., Slaton, K. D., Vigil, J. O., *Allan, N. P., Paulus, D. J., Zvolensky, M. J., Schmidt, N. B., & Franklin, C. L. (In press). Posttraumatic stress disorder and pain in veterans: Indirect association through anxiety sensitivity. Cognitive Therapy and Research.
Saulnier, K. G., sAllan, N. P., Judah, M. R., Koscinski, B., Hager, N., *Albanese, B., Knapp, A. A., & Schmidt, N. B. (In press). Attentional control moderates the relations between intolerance of uncertainty and generalized anxiety disorder and symptoms. Cognitive Therapy and Research.
Arai, H. Seki, Y., Okawa, S., Shimizu, E., Takahashi, S., Ishikawa, S., *Korte, K.J., & Schmidt, N.B. (In press). False Safety Behavior Elimination Therapy for Social Anxiety Disorder in Japanese: A Pilot, *ingle-arm uncontrolled study. Japanese Psychological Research.
Rogers, A. H., Bogiaizian, D., Salazar, P.L., Solari, A., Garey, L., Fogel, B.N., Schmidt, N. B., & Zvolensky, M. J. (In press). COVID-19 and anxiety sensitivity across two studies in Argentina: Associations with COVID-19 worry, *ymptom severity, anxiety and functional impariment. Cognitive Therapy and Research.
*Albanese, B.J., *Capron, D.W., *Macatee, R.J., Bauer, B., & Schmidt, N.B. (In press). Thwarted belongingness predicts greater neural reactivity to a novel social exclusion image set: Evidence from the late positive potential. Suicide and Life Threatening Behavior.
*Short, N. A., Zvolensky, M. J., & Schmidt, N. B. (In press). A pilot randomized clinical trial of brief behavioral treatment for insomnia to reduce problematic cannabis use among trauma-exposed young adults. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment.
*Raines, A. M., Ennis, C. R., Allan, N. P., McGrew, S. J., Walton, J. L., Rogers, A. H., Zvolensky, M. J., Schmidt, N. B., & Franklin, C. L. (In press). Anxiety sensitivity and substance use: Differential levels across individuals primarily using opioids, cannabis, or stimulants. Addictive Behaviors.
Chasson, G. S., Guillot, C. R., Zvolensky, M. J., Liautaud, M. M., Schmidt, N. B., & Leventhal, A. M. (In press). Obsessive-compulsive symptoms and cigarette smoking: An initial cross-sectional test of mechanisms of co-occurrence. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy.
*Short, N. A., sStentz, L., *Raines, A. M., *Boffa, J. W., & Schmidt, N. B. (In press). Intervening on thwarted belongingness and perceived burdensomeness to reduce suicidality among veterans: A randomized controlled trial. Behavior Therapy.
*Boffa, J. W., *Short, N. A., *Gibby, B. A., *Stentz, L. A., & Schmidt, N. B. (In press). Distress tolerance as a mechanism of PTSD symptom change: Evidence for mediation in a treatment-seeking sample. Psychiatry Research.
*Mathes, B.M., Henry, A. Schmidt, N.B., & Norberg, M.M. (In press). Hoarding symptoms and workplace impairment. British Journal of Clinical Psychology.
Okawa, S., Arai, H., Sasagawa, S., Ishikawa, S., Norberg, M., Schmidt, N.B., Kwon, J., Rapee, R.M., Shimuzi, E. (In press). A cross-cultural comparison of the bivalent fear of evaluation model for social anxiety. Journal of Behavioural and Cognitive Therapy
Saulnier, K. G., *Allan, N. P., *Raines, A. M., & Schmidt, N. B. (In press). Anxiety sensitivity cognitive concerns drives the relation between anxiety sensitivity and symptoms of depression. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy.
*Allan, N. P., Cooper, D., *Oglesby, M. E., *Short, N. A., Saulnier, K. G., & Schmidt, N. B. (In press). Clarifying a hierarchical model of risk factors for social anxiety and depression. Journal of Anxiety Disorders.
*Timpano, K.R., Cek, D., Rubenstein, L., Murphy, D.L., & Schmidt, N.B. (In press). The association between obsessive-compulsive symptoms and loneliness: Specificity and gender. Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy. sBuckner, J.D., Zvolensky, M.J., Jeffries, E.R., & Schmidt, N.B. (In press). Robust impact of social anxiety in relation to coping motives and expectancies, barriers to quitting, and cessation-related problems. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology.
Foster, D. W., Schmidt, N. B., & Zvolensky, M. J. (In press). Influences of barriers to cessation and reasons for quitting on substance use among treatment-seeking smokers who report heavy drinking. Journal of Addiction Research and Therapy.
Zvolensky, M. J., Bakhshaie, J., Paulus, D. J., Garza, M., Valdivieso, J., Sampongna, O., Bogiaizian, D., Robels, Z., & Schmidt, N. B. (In press). The role of negative affect in the relation between subjective social status and mental health among economically disadvantaged Latinos in primary care. International Journal of Human Rights in Healthcare.
Hom, M. A., Bauer, B. W., Stanley, I. H., *Boffa, J. W., Stage, D. L., *Capron, D. W., Schmidt, N. B., & Joiner, T. E. (In press). Suicide attempt survivors’ recommendations for improving mental health treatment for attempt survivors. Psychological Services.
Betthauser, L., *Albanese, B.J., Cochran, K.L., McGarity, S., Schneider, A.L., Schmidt, N.B., & Brenner, L.A. (In press). Acceptability of Cognitive Anxiety Sensitivity Treatment among Veterans with mTBI. Rehabilitation Psychology.
Rogers, A. H., Garey, L., *Raines, A. M., *Allan, N. P., Schmidt, N. B., & Zvolensky, M. J. (In press). Anxiety sensitivity and opioid use motives among adults with chronic low back pain. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology.
*Short, N. A., *Boffa, J. W., *Wissemann, K., & Schmidt, N. B. (In press). Insomnia symptoms predict the development of posttraumatic stress symptoms following an experimental trauma. Journal of Sleep Research.
Schmidt, N. B., *Martin, A.D., *Allan, N.P., *Mathes, B.M., Saulnier, K.G., & March, D.S. (In press). Actual versus perceived infection rates of COVID-19: Impact on distress, behavior and disability. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 137, 525-533.
*Wissemann, K., Mathes, B., Meyer, A., & Schmidt, N.B. (2021). COVID-related fear maintains controlling parenting behaviors during the pandemic. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, 50, 305-319.
*Capron, D.W., sAllan, N.P., & Schmidt, N.B. (2021). The Depression Sensitivity Index: Initial development and tests of convergent and construct validity. Journal of Affective Disorders, 287, 417-426.
*Allan, N.P. sAlbanese, B.J., Judah, M.R., Gooch, C.V., & Schmidt, N.B. (2020). A multimethod investigation of the impact of attentional control on a brief intervention for anxiety and depression. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 88(3), 212–225.
Clancy, K.J., Albizu, A., Schmidt, N.B, & Li, W. (2020). Intrinsic sensory disinhibition contributes to intrusive re-experiencing in combat Veterans. Scientific Reports, 10, (1) 1-11.
McDermott, K.A., Fitch, K., Dillon, K.H., Mueller, N.E., Carlton, C.N., Schmidt, N.B., & Cougle, J.R. (2020). Development of the Response to Fearful Situations Scale. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 48, 688-704.
*Mathes, B.M., Kennedy, G.A., *Morabito, D.M., *Martin, A., *Bedford, C.E., & Schmidt, N.B. (2020). A longitudinal investigation of the association between rumination, hostility, and posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms among trauma-exposed individuals. Journal of Affective Disorders, 277, 322-328.
*Korte, K. A., & Schmidt, N. B. (2020). Transdiagnostic preventative intervention for subclinical anxiety: Development and initial validation. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 126, 34-42.
*Raudales, A. M., *Short, N. A., & Schmidt, N. B. (2020). Emotion dysregulation as a prospective predictor of suicidal ideation in an at-risk mixed clinical sample. Archives of Suicide Research, 24, 310-322.
*Raudales, A. M., *Preston, T. J., *Albanese, B. J., & Schmidt, N. B. (2020). Emotion dysregulation as a maintenance factor for posttraumatic stress symptoms: The role of anxiety sensitivity. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 76, 2183–2197.
*Boffa, J.W., Houtsma, C., *Raines, A.M., Franklin, C.L., Constans, J.I., Schmidt, N.B., & Jones, K.R. (2020). Rural Suicide Prevention and COVID-19: Failing to Prepare is Preparing to Fail. Journal of Rural Mental Health, 44(3), 143-145. doi: 10.1037/rmh0000146
Bauer, B.W., *Albanese, B.J., *Macatee, R.J., Tucker, R.P., Bernat, E., Schmidt, N.B., & sCapron, D.W. (2020). Fearlessness about death is related to diminished late positive potential responses when viewing threatening and mutilation images in suicidal ideators. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 44, 621-635.
Meyer, A., *Gibby, B., *Wissemann, K., Klawohn, J., Hajcek, G., & Schmidt, N.B. (2020). A brief, computerized intervention targeting error sensitivity reduced error related negativity. Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience, 20, 172-180.
*Raudales, A. M., Weiss, N. H., Schmidt, N. B., *Short, N. A. (2020). The role of emotion dysregulation in negative affect reactivity to a trauma cue: Differential associations through elicited posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms. Journal of Affective Disorders, 267, 203-210.
*Short, N. A., sRaudales, A. M., sBoffa, J. W., & Schmidt, N. B. (2020). A randomized clinical trial investigating perceived burdensomeness as a mediator of computerized treatment effects on posttraumatic stress symptoms. Journal of Affective Disorders, 262, 344-349.
*Short, N. A., & Schmidt, N. B. (2020). Development and randomized clinical trial of a novel transdiagnostic treatment for insomnia and anxiety. Behavior Therapy, 51, 149-161.
Garey, L., Rogers, A.H., Manning, K., Smit, T., Derrick, J.L., Viana, G.A., Schmidt, N.B., & Zvolensky, M.J. (2020). Effects of smoking cessation treatment attendance on abstinence: The moderating role of psychologically based behavioral health conditions. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 109, 1-7.
Hallford, G., Bakhshaie, J., Rodriguez-Cano, R., Shepherd, J. M., Schmidt, N. B., & Zvolensky, M. J. (2020). A multiple mediation model of trait worry and hazardous drinking among treatment-seeking smokers: The roles of coping and conformity drinking motives. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, 49, 398-411.
Rogers, A. H., Shepherd, J. M., *Buckner, J. D., Garey, L., Manning, K., Orr, M. F., Schmidt, N. B., & Zvolensky, M. J. (2020). Current cannabis use and smoking cessation among treatment seeking combustible smokers. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 209, 1-6.
*Preston, T.J., sRaudales, A.M., *Albanese, B.J., & Schmidt, N.B. (2020). An examination of attentional control on posttraumatic stress symptoms and problematic alcohol use. Personality and Individual Differences, 106, 1-6.
*Mathes, B.M., *Quick, A.D., *Albanese, B.J., *Morabito, D.M., *Bedford, C.E., & Schmidt, N.B. (2020). Hostility and suicide risk among Veterans: the mediating role of perceived burdensomeness. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 44, 636-644.
*Mathes, B.M., *Timpano, K.R., *Raines, A.M., & Schmidt, N.B. (2020). Attachment theory and hoarding disorder: a review and theoretical integration. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 125, 1-18.
*Raines, A. M., *Allan, N. P., McGrew, S. J., Gooch, C. V., Wyatt, M., Franklin, C. L., & Schmidt, N. B. (2020). A computerized anxiety sensitivity intervention for opioid use disorders: A pilot investigation among veterans. Addictive Behaviors, 104, 1-8.
*Macatee, R.J., *Albanese, B.J., Okey, S.A., Afshar, K., Carr, M., Rosenthal, M.Z., Schmidt, N.B., & Cougle, J.R. (2020). Impact of a computerized intervention for high Distress Intolerance on cannabis use outcomes: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 121, 1-13.
Bakhshaie, J., Lebowitz, E. R., Schmidt, N. B., & Zvolensky, M. J. (2020). Anxiety sensitivity and bodily kinematics. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 133, 1-13.
Clancy, K., Andrzejewski, J., Mingzhou, D., Schmidt, N.B., & and Li, W. (2020). Posttraumatic stress disorder is associated with alpha dysrhythmia across the visual cortex and the default mode network. eNeuro,7, 1-12.
*Morabito, D.M., *Mathes, B.M., & Schmidt N.B. (2020). The impact of two brief web-based psychological interventions on functional outcomes. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 44, 1068-1076.
*Short, N. A., *Allan, N. P., Saulnier, K., *Preston, T. J., Joiner, T. E., & Schmidt, N. B. (2020). Factor mixture modeling of the Insomnia Severity Index in psychiatric outpatients. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 1-13.
Knapp, A. A., Feldner, M., *Allan, N. P., Schmidt, N. B., sKeough, M. E., & Leen-Feldner, E. W. (2020). Test of an anxiety sensitivity amelioration program for at-risk youth (ASAP-Y). Behaviour Research and Therapy, 126, 1-7.
*Norr, A. M., Katz, A. C., Nguyen, J. L., Lehavot, K., Schmidt, N. B., & Reger, G. M. (2020). Pilot trial of a transdiagnostic computerized anxiety sensitivity treatment Among VA primary care patients. Psychiatry Research, 293, 1-8.
Zvolensky, M. J., Garey, L., Rogers, A. H., Schmidt, N. B., Vujanovic, A. A., Storch, E.A., Buckner, J. D., Paulus, D. J., Alfano, C., Smits, J. A. J., & O’Cleirigh, C. (2020). Psychological, addictive, and health behavior implications of the COVID-19 pandemic. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 134, 1-16.
*Morabito, D.M., *Boffa, J.W., *Bedford, C.E., *Chen, J.P., & Schmidt, N.B. (2020) Hyperarousal symptoms and perceived burdensomeness interact to predict suicidal ideation among trauma-exposed individuals. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 130, 218-223.
*Preston, T.J., *Morabito, D.M., *Albanese, B.J., & Schmidt, N.B. (2020) Distress intolerance mediates attentional control on posttraumatic stress symptoms: Evidence from two clinical samples. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 130, 447-454.
*Shapiro, M., *Short, N. A., *Morabito, D., & Schmidt, N. B. (2020). Prospective associations between intolerance of uncertainty and psychopathology. Personality and Individual Differences, 166, 1-7.
*Preston, T., *Albanese, B., & Schmidt, N. (2020). Negative alterations in cognition and mood moderate stress-related theta response changes in trauma exposed individuals. Psychophysiology (Vol. 57, pp. S38-S38).
*Mathes, B. M., & Schmidt, N. B. (2020). An investigation of the impact of social exclusion on attachment to possessions and saving behaviors. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 69, 1-6.
*Short, N. A., & Schmidt, N. B. (2020). Developing and testing a novel, computerized insomnia and anxiety intervention to reduce safety aids among an at-risk student sample: A randomized controlled trial. Behavior Therapy, 51, 149-161.
*graduate student or trainee
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