Rick Wagner

Robert O. Lawton Distinguished Professor of Psychology
Associate Director, Florida Center for Reading Research
W. Russell and Eugenia Morcom Chair

Rick Wagner

Contact Information

Cognition and Cog Neuro


Ph.D., Yale University, 1985

Research Interests

Rick Wagner's major area of research interest is dyslexia and the normal acquisition of reading. His work also addresses a variety of measurement issues and practical considerations involving assessment of constructs in the domains of language and reading. Wagner is currently the principal investigator of a Multidisciplinary Learning Disability Center funded by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD).

Lab Description

Reading, phonological processes, intelligence, acquisition of cognitive skill, reading disabilities

Quinn, J.M., Wagner, R.K., Petscher, Y., Roberts, G., Menzel, A. and Schatschneider, C. (in press). Differential co-development of vocabulary knowledge and reading comprehension for students with and without learning disabilities. Journal of Educational Psychology. Doi: 10.1037/edu0000382

Spencer, M., Quinn, J.M. & Wagner, R.K. (in press). Vocabulary, morphology, and reading comprehension. In K. Cain, D Compton, & R. Parrila, Theories of Reading Development. John Benjamins. 

Wagner, R.K., Quinn, J.M.,, Spencer, M., & Wood, S. (in press). Cognitive foundations for prediction, prevention, and remediation of dyslexia. In G. Eden (Ed.), The Wiley Handbook on the cognitive Neuroscience of Dyslexia.

Grigorenko, E.L., Compton, D.L, Fuchs, L.S., Wagner, R.K., Willcutt, E.G & Fletcher, J.M. (2019). Understanding, educating, and supporting children with specific learning disabilities: 50 years of science and practice. American Psychologist.  doi: 10.1037/amp0000452

Joyner, R.E., Wagner, R.K. (2019). Co-occurrence of reading disabilities and math disabilities: A Meta- Analysis. Scientific Studies of Reading.  doi.org/10.1080/10888438.2019.1593420.

Spencer, M., Wagner, R.K., Petscher, Y. (2019). The reading comprehension and vocabulary knowledge of children with poor reading comprehension despite adequate decoding: Evidence from a regression-based matching approach. Journal of educational psychology, 111(1), 1-14.  doi: 10.1037/edu0000274.

Wagner, R.K. (2018). Why is it so difficult to diagnose dyslexia and how can we do it better? The Examiner, 7. Washington DC: International Dyslexia Society. Retrieved from  https://dyslexiaida.org/why-is-it-so-difficult-to-diagnose-dyslexia-and-how-can-we-do-it-better/

Wagner, R.K., Edwards, A.A., Malkowski, A., Schatschneider, C., Joyner, R.E., Wood, S., & Zirps F.A. (2019). Combining old and new for better understanding and predicting dyslexia. Child and adolescent development, 165, 11-23. doi/pdf/10.1002/cad.20289

Wagner, R.K, Joyner, R.E., Koh, P.W., Malkowski, A., Shenoy, S., Wood, S., Zhang, C., & Zirps, F.A. (2019). Reading related phonological processing in English and other written languages. In Reading Development and Difficulties: Bridging the Gap Between Research and Practice (Kilpatrick, D.A., Joshi, R.M., and Wagner, R.K. eds). Springer Publishing

Wagner, R.K., and Waters, R.E. (2019). Rewriting the psychology paper. In R.J. Sternberg (Ed.), Guide to Publishing in Psychology Journals, Second Edition. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press

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