Wang Lab

We will consider dedicated, hard-working, and reliable undergraduate students for DIS training in the lab. Students will be involved in helping to set up behavioral experiments, scoring behavioral data from videotapes, sectioning tissues and mounting brain sections on slides for histology experiments, and counting stained cells on brain sections. If you are interested and would like to capture this great opportunity to gain research experience, please contact Dr. Wang at: or (850) 644-5057.

Faculty Mentor(s)
Research Area

In the Wang lab, we are researching the neuroendocrine basis of social connectivity, social attachment, and social buffering on stress responses using a monogamous rodent model, the prairie vole. The research includes pharmacological, neurochemical, neuroanatomical, cellular and molecular approaches to address the underlying factors involved in the social process. Questions include: what happens in the brain during the formation of social connection and attachment; how social attachment buffers stress responses to social isolation or partner separation; and how and what neurochemical mechanisms underlie interactions between social reward and drug rewards.