Student Research Takes Center Stage at Annual Graduate and Undergraduate Research Days

On March 18th, the Psychology Department hosted its annual Graduate Research Day (GRD), in which graduate students present research through oral and poster presentations. Following adjudication by faculty members, the following students were awarded the Eugenia and Russell Morcom GRD Excellence Award for best oral presentations: Briana Carroll (1st place; major professor: Rick Hyson), Berta Summers (2nd place; major professor: Jesse Cougle), and Jamie Quinn (runner up; major professor: Rick Wagner). The award was also presented to one student from each of five programs for their poster presentations: Ian Stanley (Clinical; major professor: Thomas Joiner), Sarah Wood (Developmental; major professor: Rick Wagner), Jacob Negley (Cognitive; major professor: Colleen Kelley), Kevin Elliott (Neuroscience; major professor: Frank Johnson), and Jessica Cascio (Social; major professor: Ashby Plant).
Two weeks later, on April 1st, the Psychology Department and local chapter of the Psi Chi National Honor Society hosted the annual Undergraduate Research Day in which undergraduate students present and discuss their research. The morning began with a poster session, followed by a brunch at which the Howard D. Baker Research Talks were presented and an awards ceremony was held. The Howard Baker Award is given to the research project submissions that are judged to be the most meritorious. The awards were presented to Daniel Hubbard (1st place; advised by Thomas Joiner), Mia Daucourt (2nd place; advised by Sara Hart), and James Rujimora (3rd place; advised by Thomas Joiner). The Psi Chi Best Poster Award was presented to Jazmine Quintana (advised by Liz Hammock).